The AFK Podcast # 229 “Barman ATL”

Sorry about my mic this week, still shaking the cobwebs off my podcasting skills.

In the news;

Star Citizen passed 200 mil in crowd funding and free to play for a week

Fallout 76 Sold Considerably Less Than Fallout 4 in UK

CBS network announced that it will broadcast the first televised Gamers’ Choice Awards on Sunday, December 9th, from 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM EST, right after the NFL game.

The SMACH Z, a handheld PC device powered by AMD Ryzen Embedded and Radeon Vega 8 technology, will enter mass production in early 2019 as announced via press release.

Sony is Skipping E3

Telltale Games Titles Being Pulled From Steam, Company Liquidating

This weeks topic;

Game publishers deciding to self publish with their own launchers.

Where is this headed and what does this mean for the future of platforms line steam?

You can find the AFK podcast at  There you will find links to our steam groups, twitch channels, and other projects we are working on, like;

The Wanganators Merch

BarmanATL’s Twitch Stream

Podsafe music courtesy of

Intro-music: Skate by Kamiku

Outro-music: Battle of Pogs by Kamiku

The opinions expressed in this podcast are that of the individual and NOT the opinion’s of The AFK Podcast as a whole



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